Get Sexy Smokey Eyes - How To Make Smoky Eyes - The Perfect Smoky Eye Celebrities Look

Get Sexy Smokey Eyes - How To Make Smoky Eyes - The Perfect Smoky Eye Celebrities Look

We all like the way of Hollywood and Bollywood superstar’s eyes seem to be like – so sexy. The secret of these eyes is the smoky eye effect. No issue what your eye nature is, this sexy eye make-up will look wonderful and amazing on your face.

Smoky eyes are great anywhere, anytime because the makeup is not overdo, and it inserts a little bit of attraction and mystery to your appearance. Here is tip that how to get this incredibly and sexy smoky look.

What Would You Need To Get The Sexy Smokey Eyes

Smokey Eyes Shadow Brushes and Liners
Before you start applying your makeup to get the smoky eye, you must know exactly what it is you need to make the perfect, ideal and sexy smoky eye.

* Eye Shadows - take care that you have as a minimum 3 shades of the same family of color. For the sexy smoky eye look, it is better to apply dark colors like black, browns, blue or any color you choose.

* Eye Lash Curler - It is an essential tool, make certain to bend your lashes before applying the make-up. This will let your eyes to bring in and look more attentive.

* Eye Liner - Eye liners can be liquid or pencil, either you prefer, but the pencil tend to job better with the sexy smoky eyes.

* Smooth Shadow Brush, Smudge Brush and a Blender Brush - These brushes are they solution tools to get the sexy Smokey look. Every one is important for the eye shadow purpose and for marking the eye liners.

* Mascara - I prefer to use black mascara, but you can select the one you prefer.

Tips To Get Sexy Smokey Eyes
Firstly, you need some tools. Choose for a darker eye shadow such as a charcoal, chocolate brown or bronze. You also must have a smooth eyeliner brush and a cotton swab.

Start the process by applying an uncovered eye shadow over your whole lid. It will put your makeup in position. Immerse the edge of your eyeliner brush into the mysterious eye shadow.

Smoothly, press the tip of the lining brush into the base of your upper lashes. Do again alongside the length of your eyelashes. Put in more shadow if required.

With the cotton swab, softly mark the liner upwards as if to mingle it with the neutral shadow. Complete by applying two thick coats of black mascara to your bottom and top and lashes.
