DIY Fabric Wall Decal

DIY Fabric Wall Decal

My oldest daughter is obsessed with Tinker Bell.  So much so that Tinker Bell out ranks Elsa from Frozen *gasp*

 A year ago she asked if she could have a Tinker Bell room and being the awesome mom that I am (really I just love any excuse to take on a big project) I said ok.

I couldn't find any affordable Tinker Bell decals so I found a tutorial to make my own.

Fabric Wall Decals
You Will Need:
Heat n Bond Ultra Hold
Cotton Fabric

Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
 Iron your fabric, It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:
Now that you have your image, let’s get started by ironing your fabric. It needs to be completely wrinkle free. Then, lay the fabric face down and lay down the Heat n Bond on top of it, with the paper side facing up. Iron on top of the paper to adhere it to the fabric - See more at:

Draw your image directly on top of the paper backing. Remember that you are drawing on the BACK of your decal, so your image will be reversed when you cut it out. 

Cut out the decal. Iron once more, being sure that all of the edges are secure. Allow to cool completely, then peel off the paper backing.
Iron it directly onto the wall.

To remove the decal, simply peel off. It won’t take off the paint or leave any marks– BUT– you probably won’t be able to reuse the decal once it’s been removed, it loses most of its “stick.”  

I found the Heat n Bond in the sewing aisle at Walmart. It was right next to the sewing machines and was pretty inexpensive.
 I wasn't about to draw Tinker Bell free hand, so I found a silhouette my daughter liked on the computer and I printed it and cut it out.  I was really worried about the wand working because it was so thin, but here's hoping. 
After I ironed the Heat n Bond to a piece of fabric, I put the silhouette on the back of the Heat n Bond and traced it.  Then I cut that out.

This was my final product.  It turned out a lot better then I thought it would. 

I didn't want to leave any marks on the wall with the iron, so I got some scrap fabric and put it over the Tinker Bell to protect the wall. 

I ironed for about 45 seconds on high and Tinker Bell was fully stuck to the wall. 
 9 months later it was time to move again.  I gently wiggled my fingernail under Tinker Bell's foot and she came right off.  It was easier then peeling off a posted note.  

 There was a faint mark left behind, but I could only see it from a certain angle. 

The Verdict: If you actually took the time to read the post and not just skip to the end (I'm guilty of doing that) then you'll have noticed that this worked very well.  The whole project only took me 30 minutes. The only complaint I have was the small mark left behind.  Looking back I wish I had taken the time to try and wash it off, to see if I could.  But I was in moving mode and washing a wall that was going to be repainted was just extra work.

But wait! There's more!

After I got Tinker Bell off the wall, I gently put her into a scrapbook as a loving memento for my daughter..... hahaha yeah right. 

Tinker Bell was wadded up and shoved into a drawer. Apparently this will always be her fate.
 Why did she end up there?  Let me tell you.  When I took her off the wall I couldn't find any trash cans so I shoved her in a drawer thinking "the movers can deal with this." Yep, that's how I roll.  Ok, normally I'm not that lazy, but I was 7 months pregnant and moving to a new state. I was a bit tired.

Anyways..... 3 months later I found Tinker Bell and wanted to see if she would go back on the wall.  

TaaDaa!  She stuck right on good as new. 

 Now I'm off to Never Land, and by that I mean the laundry room with the never ending pile of clothes.
