Homemade Lemon Lime Lip Balm
You Will Need:
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped beeswax
5 drops lemon essential oil and 5 drops lime essential oil (substitute these for other essential oils if you wish)
Pour the mixture into a double boiler. The lip balm mixture needs to melt slowly over low heat. Melt the ingredients over medium-high heat. Add color Add a chunk of your favorite lipstick, blush, or eye shadow color if you wish. Mix it in with a spoon.Pour the mixture into containers. Allow the mixture to cool completely. Use the balm and decide how you like the texture. If you want a firmer balm next time, use more beeswax. If you like it softer, use more oil.
I got all my ingredients and used a food processes to break up the beesewax so it would be easier to use.
I don't have a double boiler so I used a glass measuring cup and put it in a pot. It worked great and didn't leave any residue. It took several minutes for everything to melt. I didn't want color so I skipped that part, and I didn't have lime essential oil so I just used lemon essential oil.
I poured some into an old chapstick tube and poured the rest into a small container. I could probably fill 3 or 4 tubes with what I had.