I did try a store bought dry shampoo once, but it didn't seem to do anything. When I saw a Pin about making your own homemade dry shampoo I decided what the heck, I'll give it a try. There have been a few times were it would have been nice to just slap something in my hair and run out the door.
Homemade Dry Shampoo
Choose one or combine them if you’re feeling frisky:
Baking Soda
Ground Oats
For one application, you need only use a tablespoon or two. Take the powdery substance of choice and apply it to your hair roots. Scrub it in with the tips of your fingers, and run your fingers through the length of your hair. With a fine-bristled brush, briskly brush the powder out of your hair
I didn't have any cornmeal, so on two separate occasions I decided to try the cornstarch, baking soda and ground oats.
My hair can go about 2 days without washing it. On the third day it always looks nice and shiny and in desperate need of a shampoo. So I picked one of those mornings to try out the baking soda and corn starch.
Baking Soda Verdict: My camera didn't go a good job of emphasizing the greasiness of my hair, but if you look closely on the left picture you can see the shine by my ear. Because I was doing this on one section of my hair, I used 1/2 Tbsp. I rubbed it into my roots, shook my hair, brushed my hair and was left with hair that looked like I had put baking soda in it. My roots were several shades lighter then the rest of my hair. I let it sit for an hour and kept playing with my hair and brushing it but it still looked pretty gross.
Cornstarch Verdict: This one was my favorite. Not because it worked well, but because it was so bad. After rubbing in 1/2 Tbsp of cornstarch I looked in the mirror and had a good laugh. My DIY dry shampoo turned into a DIY powdered wig.
After an hour of flipping, shaking, brushing and combing, my hair looked a lot better then it was, but it was still pretty bad looking. I had streaks of white and a lot of little flakes.
Ground Oatmeal Verdict:I put the oats into the blender on high until I had a fine powder then rubbed it into my roots. The only thing the oats did was leave little flakes in my hair that kept showing up for several hours. My hair was just as greasy as it was before.
Overall Verdict: Even though these failed miserably, I now have a method to create my own powered wig , give myself a lovely dandruff look and I now know what I will look like with gray hair..... it's not pretty.